TransBiz 品牌跨境電商顧問,由橫跨多國的國際化數位行銷團隊組成,包括專業顧問、電商人才與設計團隊。
協助欲透過 亞馬遜做跨境貿易 拓展營收、利潤與海外市場的你,提供專案代運營、團隊內訓陪跑教練、專案顧問的服務。
TransBiz 品牌跨境電商顧問,由橫跨多國的國際化數位行銷團隊組成,包括專業顧問、電商人才與設計團隊。
協助欲透過 亞馬遜做跨境貿易 拓展營收、利潤與海外市場的你,提供專案代運營、團隊內訓陪跑教練、專案顧問的服務。
若想組建自己企業內部的跨境電商團隊,我們提供 GSA 顧問陪跑計劃。
你的團隊將在 4 大系統、8 大模組的課程學習、每週至少 5 次顧問諮詢的引領下,開始亞馬遜跨境。
Created for growth-minded people like you, TransBiz is the go-to cross-border eCommerce consultancy created to transform Asian brands into global giants. Headquartered in Taiwan, we provide your one-stop solution access to the global market.
With the ever-changing landscape of e-Commerce and the rise in demand for online goods, many companies have pondered the idea of selling their products on the international stage but not many have actually ventured to try due to a competitive and risky market or perhaps just a lack of confidence in marketing their local Asian brand abroad.
Whether you are looking to expand your business into the globalized market, or simply want to sell your products on Amazon and see numbers skyrocket, that’s exactly where we come in. Let us help your company and its products go global with our solution-oriented eCommerce strategies; with a proven track record for success our international team is comprised of members from different countries, each specializing in a different expertise such as design, marketing and customer care.
Our team is not only committed to ensuring your company’s success in selling more globally but also branding your products into becoming internationalized recognized icons. Opening the world market from the heart of Asia, let us help you transform your business.
市場策略規劃、品牌打造、Amazon上架、產品頁面設計與優化(Listing Optimization)
數位廣告投放、口碑行銷、網紅行銷、登錄頁面設計 (Landing Page Design)
影像與圖片製作、客戶服務(Customer Loyalty)、營收顧問專案等。
台北、台中各一場為期兩天的 Amazon 實戰工作坊
建立菲律賓 Sorsogon 行銷團隊,大幅降低台灣工廠營運電商的風險與開銷
兩場線下 Google 關鍵字廣告的實體課程
還記得在澳洲創業的時候,一直想做件會被澳洲人看見的事情,那麼,某天我或許有機會告訴他們 “I am from Taiwan”。這個夢想在 2012 年,我所創辦的電商公司 OKme 進入澳洲商業周刊 BRW 年度高速成長企業的第 45 名時達到了。
公司賣掉後,我鑽研了電子商務運營中所有可以優化的環節;同一時間,回到台灣成立了 Innovotech Labs 專注分析澳洲電商大數據,試圖找出完整的答案。
經過了 3 年的產業觀察(也就是到了 2015 年),我想答案逐漸清晰。
不過,也因為電商產業的逐漸成熟,帶動全球性金物流的蓬勃發展,跨境電商開始蓬勃發展,自 2017、18 年起開始變成熱門的話題。同時間,台灣的品牌觀念抬頭,我們理解,台灣不應繼續再跟中國打製造價格戰,而是必須發展各產業的創新品牌。
這次,我不只是要告訴澳洲人 “I’m from Taiwan”,我們要一起用手中的商品跟全世界的人說 “We are from TAIWAN!”